Monday, November 3, 2008

Why is CE Marking called the "Passport to Europe" for non-EU products?

The European Union's 'New Approach directives' are mandatory on all member countries to enact through national legislation.
This legislation requires manufacturers to display CE Marking on their product, packaging and accompanying literature. Where a new approach directive is in force, it is (with few exceptions) an offence to place a product on the market without CE Marking. The manufacturer is legally responsible for ensuring that the product confirms to the requirements of the directive and for applying CE Marking.
CE Marking is one important measure that the EU has adopted to establish the single market and foster economic development for the member states. The objective of the directives is to simplify the movement of goods into and within the EU. This may eventually lead to the free movement of goods throughout Europe as more and more european countries are expected to join the EU. The European Commission thus refers to the CE Marking as a "Passport" which allows products to be freely circulated within the EU single market.
Often, consumers will consider CE Marking on a product as an indication of conformance to laid down minimum standards, and therefore a minimum level of safety which other products may lack. CE Marking is thus for many consumers a "Symbol of Safety." Being a manufacturer exporting to EU, if you have not got your products fixed with CE Marking, it is now time to invest in it. A CE Marking on your product will be more valuable than millions of dollars spent on TV advertising. Nowadays, it is not unusual to see some high-quality, even known brand, products have to appear in Second-hand Stores (which sells used products) or on street-vendor's Stands. Why? lack CE Marking!

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